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Communication is the most influential way to eliminate silos in healthcare. Developing allies can be a powerful strategy for getting things done in nearly any situation—both personal and professional. Relationships take work, whether it be networking for business or building personal connections. Machiavelli, motivational speaker Jim Rohn, and countless psychologists have explored some version of how influential the company you keep can be. You can read more at the following links: “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with” ( and “Are you the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with?” (

We must ask ourselves: Is my circle one of influence and support or one of detriment filled with those who drag me down? It’s important to surround yourself with people who can challenge you, motivate you, help you, tell you when you’re wrong, and more. It’s the diversity of thought that makes us all better. No one person is successful without a strong team behind them. Think of any situation: a company, a politician, a family, a celebrity, an athlete, a parent, a marriage, etc.

Building relationships within and across organizational boundaries is essential for success. The best high-performing teams are often quite diverse; they are able to uniquely bridge real and perceived boundaries. The brightest leaders know this and are distinctively rewarded for it.

image Practice Pearl

Get to know the members of other departments and form key relationships. Learn more about how to rid your organization of the silo mentality: 5 Ways to Destroy the Pesky Silos in Your Organization (,and%20Measure.%20...%205%205.%20Collaborate%20and%20Create).

  • Action Step: Meet face to face with a person from three different departments and ask them to share two things you and your coworkers could do to foster a better working relationship between the two departments.

    • a) Department Name: _____________________________________________________________

      b) Three things your department can do: ______________________________________________



      c) Date you shared these three things with your coworkers: ________________________________

      d) Date you followed-up with the other department for feedback on the changes:


      e) Date you shared the feedback with your coworkers and any additional action you determined should be taken: _________________________________________________________________


    • a) Department Name: _____________________________________________________________

      b) Three things your department can do: ______________________________________________



      c) Date you shared these three things with your coworkers: ________________________________

      d) Date you followed-up with the other department for feedback on the changes:


      e) Date you shared the feedback with your coworkers and any additional action you determined should be taken: _________________________________________________________________


    • a) Department Name: _____________________________________________________________

      b) Three things your department can do: ______________________________________________



      c) Date you shared these three things with your coworkers: ________________________________

      d) Date you followed-up with the other department for feedback on the changes:


      e) Date you shared the feedback with your coworkers and any additional action you determined should be taken: _________________________________________________________________


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