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The healing professions in the healthcare industry are built based on both art and science. The practice for any healthcare role encompasses the art of caring for people. The best available evidence is often based upon scientific inquiry. As one progresses in their career from novice to expert practice, their own style of blending art and science becomes evident.

Being mindful of the effects of stress, fatigue, and the potential for burnout (secondary to the work environment) is an important consideration for all healthcare practitioners. Learning to adequately assess stress and cope with the unrelenting chaos in healthcare work environments is crucial. The environment pre-pandemic was leading healthcare to a precipice—and the global COVID-19 pandemic was the push for real innovation needed in the industry.

Moving forward, the ability to harness stress with a positive mindset will prepare caregivers for the challenges of the future. Learning strategies to build hardiness for resilience will be key for longevity. Honing one’s ability to access relevant evidence-based information blended with creative ideas will result in new models of care, novel work processes, and more. These will drive the desperately needed innovation in healthcare work environments.

image Practice Pearl

Trust your “gut” or intuition.

If something doesn’t “feel” right, it probably isn’t. It’s important to listen to your gut or intuition and follow your feelings. Usually, it leads to preventing some kind of less-than-optimal outcome.

  • Action Step: It’s important to know and review your organization’s policies and procedures to ensure that you are in compliance with best practice. Utilize other tools such as your specific scope of practice for your role, job description, skill list, etc. to ensure you are compliant with the applicable regulations, role expectations, etc. If you are unsure of how to perform any work-related task, what are your resources?




Use the available scientific evidence—it can make or break your practice.

  • Action Step: As you look at the evidence you have, whether it be a patient’s health record, a relevant research article, a policy or procedure, etc. consider an artist and scientific theory: How do they blend the two to achieve a favorable outcome? For example, the artist Georges Seurat utilizes the technique of pointillism in his paintings. This technique takes an unimaginable number of dots and arranges them in a form of art. Here is an example of his art from the 1886–1888 time frame:


  • Action Step: Think about the idea of Newton’s third law of motion, which states ...

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