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In This Chapter

  • Nurses as Champions for Global Health Equity

  • Nurses Caring for Their Communities Around the World

  • Region of the Americas: Health Systems and Nursing

  • Addressing the Worldwide Nursing Workforce Shortage: “There’s no justice … just us”

  • Global Stewardship: Reimagining the Adage “Think Global, Act Local” in the Post-Pandemic World—Every Nurse’s Business

Even though we may live, work, and play thousands of miles from each other geographically, global travel and technology have essentially made us all neighbors. Culture and the ways in which we live our lives vary greatly around the world, but we all experience illnesses that are rarely unique to one individual. As such, this chapter considers the global perspective as it relates to health equity. This includes sharing and adapting best practices in health equity around the globe and understanding our global fit and responsibility to promote health equity. We recognize that health management and interventions should be tailored to and culturally appropriate for a specific community or population. However, because we are genetically more alike than different, we encourage nurses to become global citizens by sharing successful, evidence-based practices that advance health equity.

Consider the following questions as you read the essays about health equity global stewardship:

  • How can nurses working where you live champion health equity globally?

  • What are potential negative effects of ignoring the health outcomes of your global neighbors?

  • How can nurses help mitigate health inequities perpetuated by racism and discrimination?

  • What are examples of nursing-related solutions in foreign countries that may be applicable in your own country?

  • What social structures or determinants facilitate health inequities around the world?


Yvonne Commodore-Mensah, PhD, MHS, RN, FAAN, FPCNA

Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing

As the largest healthcare workforce, nurses are well-poised to champion efforts to advance global health equity. Health equity, as a principle, is not limited by geographic boundaries, population, or condition. As such, regardless of where you find yourself in the world, you can advocate for equity in health access, services, and outcomes for all populations, especially those who are marginalized.


“The pandemic has starkly highlighted the world’s lack of preparedness and ruthlessly exacerbated existing inequalities in our societies, yet alarmingly, we have seen nations retreat from multilateralism. There is no one-nation solution to any of the global health challenges that we face; we must work together and include health in all policies. In the next decade, it is the strength of our health systems that will determine both the health of people as well as the health of our economies and the safety and security of societies. Our global health workforce is both health and peace makers; their work is an expression of our humanity in practice, and their leadership is essential to a fairer, safer, ...

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