To my mother, Jacqueline Wouwenberg, one of the first expert nurse clinicians to battle through the polio epidemic and my first and most important role model as a nurse. And to all the nurses around the world who have risen to the occasion to put patients first during the COVID-19 pandemic. So many sick, so many deaths, even among our ranks, yet you do not give up. Strong voices have arisen among you, and new leaders have been forged. Never forget the difference you are making in the lives you are touching.
–Sue Hassmiller
To my mother, whose unconditional love and support continue to call me to dream big. I am who I am because of you. To my husband, whose encouragement and sense of humor always help me get through challenging times. Thank you for your love and patience. To my ancestors, who were never afforded the opportunity to showcase their brilliance to the world. Your sacrifices created the path for my journey.
To the nurses who have been the voices of those who were silenced; who have sacrificed time with family to care for others; who have advocated for equitable, comprehensive healthcare; and who have dedicated their life’s work to the pursuit of optimal health for all whom they encounter. I honor you.
–Gaea Daniel