The authors wish to thank their colleagues at the University of Iowa (UI) Hospitals and Clinics for their partnership and continued commitment to the provision of evidence-based healthcare. We have learned a lot from their creativity, open discussions, and strong commitment to improving patient care. This work builds upon many years of partnership between visionary legends in nursing at the UI Hospitals and Clinics and the UI College of Nursing (CON). The very first evidence-based practice (EBP) improvement was led by Dr. Marita Titler in the mid-1980s. The formal partnership with the CON followed in 1989 under the leadership of Dr. Toni Tripp-Reimer, Dr. Kathleen Buckwalter, and Dr. Geraldine Felton, and Sally Mathis from the UI Hospitals and Clinics’ Department of Nursing. We sincerely appreciate the many nurse leaders who have played key roles in building the culture, assisted our learning, and offered mentoring that made this book possible. We also thank the many point-of-care clinicians who question practice and use EBP to improve outcomes.
Kristen Rempel has been steadfast in her commitment to shepherd this book through the many growing pains of development and revision. We are indebted to you and your creative problem-solving skills.
We would also like to thank Kimberly Jordan and Grace Rempel for their invaluable assistance in making the original publication a reality. This work paved the way for the expanded and updated content.
We thank Robert Anderson, Elijah Olivas, Rosanna Seabold, and Emily Wiitanen for providing behind-the-scenes support and assistance that made writing and editing easier.
A number of nurses made contributions and provided leadership; in particular, we would like to acknowledge Cindy Dawson, BJ Hannon, Grace Matthews, and Michele Wagner, who provided creative answers to challenges inherent in implementing new practices.
The following nurses participated in optional coursework creating early drafts of select implementation strategies. We thank them for their work.
Michelle Cline
Tia Cloke
Sarah Cole
Meghan Cooley
Tara Cunnane
Alicia L. Duyvejonck
Anne Gentil-Archer
Julie Hoegger
Dan Howlett
Katie Huether
Alexcia James
Kayla Kellogg
Samantha Mikota
Colleen Mohr
Megan Mortensen
Larry Newman
Catherine Odum
Thoa Phan
Amanda Pitts
Kylea Ryther
Nathan Scadlock
Reed Underwood
And finally, we could not have completed this work without our families and friends. Their love and support helped us find time and energy when we needed it most. How precious you are to us.