Sally N. Ellis Fletcher, PhD, RN, FNAP, is licensed to practice nursing in the states of Kansas, Missouri, and New York. She has taught or served in a clinical capacity in private, public, urban, and rural organizations. Her professional passions are nursing, education, diversity, multiculturalism, entrepreneurship, mentoring, and humanitarianism. She has served on the advisory board for a humanitarian mission trip to Ghana, West Africa, for which she planned and facilitated indigenous and U.S. healthcare providers in delivering healthcare. She is on the board of a local shelter for women and their children who’ve experienced domestic violence. During her most recent academic tenure, Ellis Fletcher created and designed a program to assist students enrolled in the accelerated education track with socialization, career planning, and cultural inclusiveness in nursing. She also served as co-chair of the Dean’s Advisory Council for Cultural Diversity and Inclusiveness and as one of the School of Nursing’s faculty diversity officers. Her most recent clinical position was as a clinical nurse researcher who developed the office of Clinical Nurse Research at a Midwestern medical center.