“The fourth edition is an exceptional guide to ensure evidence-based practice is a core competency of nurses. The authors effectively communicate actionable strategies for clinicians to determine which EBP projects will yield measurable practice improvements. They artfully address the cultural and behavioral needs and motivations that influence the success of teams and organizations as they implement EBP changes. Through the use of well-defined tools, users will accurately evaluate evidence, develop strong implementation plans, and understand pathways for dissemination.”
-Jennifer Williams, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, CEN, CCRN-K
Director of Nursing Practice, Research and Professional Development
The University of Kansas Health System
“Johns Hopkins Evidenced-Based Practice for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals is an excellent resource that can be utilized to create an EBP culture. The authors present the EBP process in ways that staff can understand so it is not overwhelming. As the facilitator for our EBP & Research Council, we chose the Johns Hopkins EBP model, and it was the best decision we made!”
-Elena Vidrine, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, RN-BC
Director of Nursing Professional Development
Children’s Hospital New Orleans
“As the nurse anesthesiology (NA) profession continues to fully transition all NA educational programs (NAEP) to entry-level doctoral degrees, the crucial question is: How do we achieve the scholarship requirement? There are challenges and barriers in the completion of the academic piece, with an additional question of: How do we marry evidence and clinical practice? As an NAEP practice doctorate, we, as clinical practitioners, academicians, and researchers, do not want to overstretch our already overwhelmed healthcare systems. Rather, our primary goal is to improve clinical outcomes and keep our patients safe. Johns Hopkins Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals, Fourth Edition, systematically and thoroughly describes the PET process: how to identify the practice question, examine the most recent evidence, and guide the practitioner to efficiently translate the evidence as applicable to clinical practice. The problem, intervention, comparison, and outcome (PICO) model methodically guides all researchers from all levels of expertise using this comprehensive evidence-based process. The Johns Hopkins EBP model is the best fit for our NAEP since it not only streamlines the academic scholarship piece but also connects what is germane to day-to-day clinical practice: to promote patient safety.”
-Jose D. Castillo III, PhD, MSNA, CRNA, APRN
Assistant Professor of Nurse Anesthesia
Texas Wesleyan University
“Another great update. I have used this book for 10 years as a text in a nursing course. The additions and upgrades including search content, databases, and use of forms are important revisions. The inclusion of interprofessional focus aligns with current healthcare needs for evidence-based practice. Practicing nurses find the Johns Hopkins Model easy to use to enable improving care. The book can be used in a variety of healthcare programs and different degrees.”
-Martha Jenner, MSN, RNC-OB
Professor, RN-to-BSN Program
Florida Southwestern State College
“My organization’s rehab department received education on the Johns Hopkins Model a few years ago from our Director of Evidence-Based Practice and Nursing Research. Since that time, we have included the tool as part of our rehab department’s evidence-based practice education. The book’s appendices provide a step-by-step approach for using the model for large- or small-scale EBP initiatives, such as Appendices E and F for identifying evidence level and quality for journal club discussions. Rehab staff within my organization have used the tool for appraising and summarizing literature to answer clinical questions or contribute to standards of care. The tool has been used to address therapy-specific clinical questions but also in collaboration with nursing staff for interdisciplinary care inquiries. One example that comes to mind is a project between speech therapy and nursing staff to identify risk factors for dysphagia after cervical surgery. It is valuable to have a model that can be used across the interdisciplinary team to approach EBP with a consistent process for addressing clinical questions. I am encouraged to see the authors call out and support the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration for the EBP process in the newest edition of this book.”
-Ashley J. Peters, PT, DPT
Board-Certified Neurologic Clinical Specialist
“This fourth edition of this foundational book provides yet more helpful and valuable advances in clarifying and applying a complex concept to empower our healthcare teams in effectively utilizing evidence-based practice. Grateful to see the model and tools continue to evolve based on user feedback—the book feels as essential, practical, and helpful as ever!”
-Jen Bonamer, PhD, RN, NPD-BC, AHN-BC (Pronouns: She/Her)
Clinical Nurse Researcher
Nursing Prof’l Development - Research Specialist
Education, Prof’l Development & Research Dept.
Sarasota Memorial Health Care System